First verbs to know in French: ETRE, AVOIR, ALLER

Learn the first verbs you need to know in French TO BE — ETRE I am — Je suis You are — Tu es (informal singulier) He/She is — Il/Elle est We are — Nous sommes You are — Vous êtes (formal or  plural) They are – Ils/Elles sont  ============================================================ TO HAVE — AVOIR I have … Read more

Les pronoms d’objet (All levels)

Les pronoms d’objet direct: le, la, les It is used to replace an element used as a direct object  in a sentence. It is agreed in gender and number with the noun Exemple: J’aime le cinema — > Est-ce que tu aime le cinema? Oui je l’aime Complétez les phrases en utilisant le, la, les, … Read more

French text comprehension and talking about a city (Levels A and +)

French text comprehension and presentation of your hometown or describe a city. Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences New York _____ la plus grande ville ____ Etats-Unis avec plus de 8 millions d’habitants. New-York est situé  ___ nord-est des Etats-Unis. C’est ___  centre économique et culturel —  pays. La ville ___  aussi la ____ Pomme. … Read more

French Grammar – Prépositions & Contractions (All Levels)

 Listen to Audio   at / to / in à /a/ during pendant /pɑ̃dɑ̃/ from / of / about de /də/ since / for depuis /dəpɥi/ at the house of chez /ʃe/ among parmi /paʀmi/ in dans / en /dɑ̃/ /ɑ̃/ between entre /ɑ̃tʀ/ for pour /puʀ/ around autour de /otuʀdə/ by / through par /paʀ/ … Read more

Articles in French (Level A)

Learn and understand the different articles in French Articles définis  LE / LA / LES  corresponds to THE Paul est le fils de Robert et d’Anne. [ Paul is THE son of Robert and Anne] Mary est la fille d’Anne et de Robert. Mary et Paul sont les enfants de Robert et d’Anne.   Articles indéfinis … Read more

French Reading Comprehension – “Histoire de la bicyclette” (All levels)

French reading  comprehension – French Vocabulary – Short French story Practice French reading to help you acquire vocabulary, talk about a story and answer questions in French. French reading comprehension: Histoire du vélo Le 12 juillet 1817, un Allemand de 32 ans, le baron Drais assis à califourchon sur une planche en bois reliant deux … Read more

French language tip – how to use past and future tenses right away? (All levels)

French language tip for French verbs in past and future tenses You know verb VENIR (to come) and ALLER (to go) in French? Great news, you know how to make sentences in the past and future tenses! 1) Using verb VENIR to indicate past tense: Use the present tense of VENIR + DE + INFINITIVE  … Read more

French: Basic Conversational Phrases Exercises

Choose the correct translation or answer for each question. 1. I’m tired. A. J’ai faim. B. J’ai froid. C. Je suis fatigué. D. Je suis malade. 2. Good luck! A. Bonne chance ! B. Félicitations ! C. Taisez-vous ! D. C’est à vous ! 3. Welcome! A. Bienvenue ! B. Désolé ! C. Pardon ! … Read more

How to easily conjugate French verbs?

French verbs — Conjugate verbs in French   One difficulty in French is to conjugate verbs. Not only you need to learn the infinite of a verb (ex: TO GO = ALLER), but you also need to know how to conjugate the verb for each subject (personal pronouns) — Ex: I go = Je vais … Read more

Start Learning French – Study Guide 1

Salutations Greetings Monsieur Sir Madame Ma’am (Mrs.) Mademoiselle Miss Bonjour, Monsieur Good day (Hello), Sir Bonsoir Good evening Au revoir Goodbye Salut! Hi! À tout à l’heure! See you in a little while. (same day) À ce soir. See you this evening. À demain. See you tomorrow. À bientôt. See you soon. (probably not on … Read more