5 Tips to Improve Your Everyday French

5 Astuces pour Améliorer Votre Français au Quotidien Astuce #1: Créez un environnement français chez vous(Create a French environment at home)– Change your device language settings to French– Label household items in French– Set up a dedicated “French corner” in your home Astuce #2: Intégrez le français dans votre routine matinale(Integrate French into your morning … Read more

Learning French tips

Tips to learn French – and maybe other languages! Learning French can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also come with its challenges. Here are some of the main difficulties of learning French and some tips to help you overcome them. Pronunciation: French is known for its complex pronunciation, which can make … Read more

French Numbers Practice (Level A)

Numbers in French Listen to pronuntiation Zero Zéro /zeʀo/ One Un /œ̃̃̃/ Two Deux /dø/ Three Trois /tʀwɑ/ Four Quatre /katʀ/ Five Cinq /sɛ̃k/ Six Six /sis/ Seven Sept /sɛt/ Eight Huit /ʽɥit/ Nine Neuf /nœf/ Ten Dix /dis/ Eleven Onze /ɔ̃z/ Twelve Douze /duz/ Thirteen Treize /tʀɛz/ Fourteen Quatorze /katɔʀz/ Fifteen Quinze /kɛ̃z/ Sixteen … Read more

Times and Duration in French (Levels A – B)

DEPUIS  (SINCE) depuis + présent: J’habite ici depuis mardi dernier (quelque chose qui continue au présent) depuis + passé composé au négatif: Je n’ai pas mangé depuis hier (quelque chose qui continue à ne pas exister au présent) depuis + l’imparfait: Je travaillais depuis onze heures. (I had been working since eleven o’clock.) DEPUIS / … Read more

Common Expressions with Avoir and Etre

Verbe Avoir — Listen to the Audio  Present tense of avoir /avwaʀ/ – to have I have j’ai /ʒe/ We have nous avons /nu zavɔ̃/ You have tu as /ty ɑ/ You have vous avez /vu zave/ He has She has One has il a elle a on a /il ɑ/ /ɛl ɑ/ /ɔ̃ nɑ/ They have They have ils ont elles ont /il … Read more

French Exercise – Asking a question in French (All levels)

French exercise – Asking a question in French Review of question forms   Practice For each statement below, write the following: 1) Question for which answer is Yes/No 2) Questions with Que/Qu’est-ce que ; Où ; Comment ; Combien ; Quand ; Pourquoi ; Qui Exemple: Affirmation – (Oui), je mange du gâteau au restaurant … Read more

Present Tense – summary and practices (Level A and +)

Review of verbs in the present tense For more verbs and use online verb conjugator   Exercise 1   Exercise 2   Exercise 3 Make one sentence using the following verbs: DEVOIR (Must) – POUVOIR (can) – VENIR (to come) –  PRENDRE (to take) – VOIR ( to see) – DESCENDRE (to go down) // … Read more

Adjectifs Possessifs (Level A)

Singular Plural English Masculine Feminine Before vowel my mon ma mon mes your (tu form) ton ta ton tes his, her, its son sa son ses our notre notre notre nos your (vous form) votre votre votre vos their leur leur leur leurs Listen to the Audio Exemples: Mon chien est noir Sa chemise est blanche Leur … Read more

French Beginner 1 – French Sounds

PRACTICE 1 – LISTEN AND MEMORIZE THE FOLLOWING SOUNDS Alphabet French uses the 26 letters of the alphabet plus a few “add-ons”: accents on vowels (è, é, etc…) or cedilla (ç). When spelling your name -during a call for example- you will have to know how letters are said in French: A B C D … Read more

Beginning in French – Basic grammar rules in French

 1) Gender of a noun Every noun in French is ‘gendered’ , it is either a masculin or feminin. Some general rules can help you determine if a noun is feminin or masculine; ex: nouns ending with ‘e’ and ‘tion’ are general  feminin , but beware of multiple exceptions! (see in further lesson) .   … Read more