French conversation – Exchanging opinions and writing a message about waste and environment (Levels A2 and +)

Practice French conversation and learn vocabulary to express an opinion about waste, recycling, environment QUESTIONS Contact us below to converse with a French tutor

French listening comprehension – “Un choc national: le restautant Paul Bocuse perd une étoile!” (levels B1 and +)

Practice French comprehension – listening  comprehension 1. Listen to the audio 2. Complete the text Après ___ ans au firmament, le restaurant Paul-Bocuse perd sa troisième étoile. L’Auberge du Pont-de-Collonges __ ____ sa troisième étoile dans l’édition 2020 du Guide Michelin __ ____ le __ _____. La maison de l’Auberge du Pont-de-Collonges sera donc ____  … Read more

How to improve listening comprehension in French?

Listening comprehension is always difficult when learning a new language, and French is not an exception! Recognizing sounds, identify words and their meaning is a complex process that requires practice.  A great tool to do that is to do dictation in French. Here are some exercises which will focus on the various aspects of the … Read more

French listening comprehension – La ville ou la campagne? (Levels B and +)

Practice French listening comprehension for French test preparation DELF and  TCF Listen to the audio   Fill up the missing words in the transcript Vivre _____  ville ou _____ la campagne? Difficile ____ concilier les deux. Si vous _____ en ville, vous avez __  _____  toutes les infrastructures ____  vous avez ____  : des centres ____, des … Read more

Reading Comprehension in French – “NOUVELLE ANNÉE: Prendre les bonnes résolutions” (Levels B-C)

Reading Comprehension in French to talk about desires and wishes __________________________ Le début d’une nouvelle année s’accompagne souvent du désir de prendre un nouveau départ dans sa vie. C’est le moment de prendre des résolutions ! Dans la réalité, très peu de personnes parviennent à atteindre leurs objectifs. Rattrapées par les occupations quotidiennes, elles mettent vite … Read more

French language practices for the holidays : bûche de Noël and other recipes, Provence X-mas tale – All levels

Discover French language practices for the holidays. Learn the history and the tradition French X-mas log (bûche de Noël), innovate new (vegetarian!) recipes, get immerse in traditions of Provence and view the classic tale by Alphonse Daudet, “Les 3 messes de Noel”, directed by famous provencal author and director Marcel Pagnol. 1) Traditional French Xmas … Read more

French Grammar – Prépositions & Contractions (All Levels)

 Listen to Audio   at / to / in à /a/ during pendant /pɑ̃dɑ̃/ from / of / about de /də/ since / for depuis /dəpɥi/ at the house of chez /ʃe/ among parmi /paʀmi/ in dans / en /dɑ̃/ /ɑ̃/ between entre /ɑ̃tʀ/ for pour /puʀ/ around autour de /otuʀdə/ by / through par /paʀ/ … Read more

French reading comprehension B2 – “Faire une synthèse de thèse!”

French reading comprehension practice helps you to prepare for level B2 exams and discuss complex concepts in French. Read the following text and answer the questions below. Read the following article Answer the questions Register for a conversation session