Où habitent les Parisiens? (Level A)
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Section 1: French listening comprehension practice Listen to the audio 2. Answer the following questions 3. Check transcript and answers ________________________________________ Section 2: French reading comprehension practice Schedule a conversation sessions
Listening to the following audio and answer questions below. Questions Transcript and answers a.1) 55% des paiements sont faits en liquide (55% of transactions are in cash) a.2) 70% des émissions de chèques en Europe sont en France (70% of checks in Europe are issued in France) a.3) 7% des adultes français utilisent une banque … Read more
Listen to the audio and answer questions below See feedback and answers below
Practice Reading Comprehension for DELF level A2 Questions ANSWERS AND CORRECTION a) Ils doivent les loger , les éduquer et subvenir à leurs besoins matériels b) Ils peuvent vivre dans un internat / lycée, lors d’ un apprentissage, ou pour partir en vacances c) Les enfants doivent être scolarisés entre 6 et 16 ans d) … Read more
French text comprehension and presentation of your hometown or describe a city. Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences New York _____ la plus grande ville ____ Etats-Unis avec plus de 8 millions d’habitants. New-York est situé ___ nord-est des Etats-Unis. C’est ___ centre économique et culturel — pays. La ville ___ aussi la ____ Pomme. … Read more
Listen how to the pronunciation for each form. Notice the differences or similarities in the endings. Verbe Améliorer [To improve] Indicatif Conditionel Receive more practices
French Practice – French listening – French video – French Cooking Listen French and view the preparation of a French dish: Gratin de pates au jambon It is your turn to prepare Gratin de pates au jambon Follow the instructions below INGREDIENTS Pour le gratin de pâtes au jambon 4 tranches de jambon 150g de … Read more
Reading Comprehension in French – French vocabulary – French culture French Activity – Level A + 1) Read the text below. Note the use of past tenses and identify its type (passe compose, imparfait, passe simple) NOTE: Département de la Drôme est situé au sud est de la France, au nord de la Provence … Read more
Practice French reading comprehension to progress and acquire vocabulary. Discuss the evolution of studies and the use of technology to learn. PRACTICE ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE A PRACTICE SESSION WITH A TUTOR
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