French practice – Talking about a book (Level B1 and +)

Section 1: French listening comprehension practice  Listen to the audio      2. Answer the following questions       3. Check transcript and answers ________________________________________ Section 2: French reading comprehension practice    Schedule a conversation sessions

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French listening comprehension – “Evolution in the use of payment” (Level B1)

Listening to the following audio and answer questions below. Questions Transcript and answers a.1) 55% des paiements sont faits en liquide (55% of transactions are in cash) a.2) 70% des émissions de chèques en Europe sont en France (70% of checks in Europe are issued in France) a.3) 7% des adultes français utilisent une banque … Read more

DELF A2 – Reading Comprehension Practice – “Parents – Enfants”

Practice Reading Comprehension for DELF level A2 Questions ANSWERS AND CORRECTION a) Ils doivent les  loger , les éduquer et subvenir à leurs besoins matériels b) Ils peuvent vivre dans un internat / lycée, lors d’ un apprentissage, ou pour partir en vacances c) Les enfants doivent être scolarisés entre 6 et 16 ans d) … Read more

French text comprehension and talking about a city (Levels A and +)

French text comprehension and presentation of your hometown or describe a city. Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences New York _____ la plus grande ville ____ Etats-Unis avec plus de 8 millions d’habitants. New-York est situé  ___ nord-est des Etats-Unis. C’est ___  centre économique et culturel —  pays. La ville ___  aussi la ____ Pomme. … Read more

French listening comprehension practice – “Gratin de pates au jambon” (Levels A and +)

 French Practice – French listening – French video – French Cooking Listen French and view the preparation of a French dish: Gratin de pates au jambon  It is your turn to prepare Gratin de pates au jambon Follow the instructions below INGREDIENTS Pour le gratin de pâtes au jambon 4 tranches de jambon 150g de … Read more

Reading Comprehension in French – ‘Un facteur extraordinaire…’ (All levels)

Reading Comprehension in French – French vocabulary – French culture French Activity – Level A + 1) Read the text below. Note the use of past tenses and identify its type (passe compose, imparfait, passe simple) NOTE: Département de la Drôme est situé au sud est de la France, au nord de la Provence   … Read more

French text practice for comprehension- “Changements dans les études supérieures” (levels B+)

Practice French reading comprehension to progress and acquire vocabulary. Discuss the evolution of studies and the use of technology to learn. PRACTICE ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE A PRACTICE SESSION WITH A TUTOR