French reading comprehension and conversation “Experience abroad” (Levels A2 and +)

French reading comprehension and conversation help you learn new vocabulary and progress in French. ACTIVITY Read the two testimonies below and explain who is Nicole and Marc, what do they talk about? Compare their stories and explain what they liked and the difficulties they met.   Contact a French tutor to speak and get feedbacks

French news – European Elections (Levels A2 and +)

Practice French and follow current issues – Understand the European Elections process – Reading Comprehension in French –  Européennes 2019 : comprendre les élections Débuté en 2014, le mandat des eurodéputés prendra fin en mai prochain, juste après les élections européennes qui se déroulent du 23 au 26 mai. Quelques explications: Pourquoi vote-t-on ? Du … Read more

French comprehension – “Transports futuristes” (Levels A2 and ++)

 French listening comprehension practice — Develop French comprehension skills  1)Watch the video below and identify the main topic and information provided 2)Listen again the commentator and read the transcript   PRACTICE   Download transcript Source:

Information – News regarding DELF and DALF exams

Here is the latest information regarding DELF and DALF exams. Changes will start taking place in 2020. No more open-ended answers More multiple choice questions Change in number of activities Evolution in the duration of the exams No more specialty exams for the DALF All the details on this page (in French) If you are … Read more

Grammar review – “Formes passive and active” (Levels B1+)

French grammar – active or passive form in French – French exercises A)  Voix active et voix passive La voix active présente le sujet comme agent de l’action . Ex: Nos amis construisent une maison. La voix passive présente le sujet comme agent subissant l’action. Ex: La maison est construite par nos amis.   B) Transformation … Read more

Reading/Comprehension in French – “Un long voyage” (Levels B1 +)

French reading / comprehension – French vocabulary — French conversation   Après avoir baroudé pendant plus de 23 années dans plus de 190 pays, le Canadien Mike Spencer Bown est finalement revenu sur sa terre natale, rapporte le Toronto Sun. Parti en 1989, à l’âge de 20 ans, quand son compatriote Roch Voisine obtenait le … Read more

French language tip – how to use past and future tenses right away? (All levels)

French language tip for French verbs in past and future tenses You know verb VENIR (to come) and ALLER (to go) in French? Great news, you know how to make sentences in the past and future tenses! 1) Using verb VENIR to indicate past tense: Use the present tense of VENIR + DE + INFINITIVE  … Read more