French Grammar review “Les pronoms” (All levels)

French grammar – Review French – Practice French Online   Les pronoms remplacent des noms, des groupes nominaux, et parfois des propositions. – des pronoms personnels – des pronoms démonstratifs – des pronoms possessifs – des pronoms interrogatifs – des pronoms relatifs Pronoms personnels Sujets : je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles COD … Read more

Use of past tense in French – Talking about a trip (A2 and +)

Reading Comprehension – practice   Conversation Describe the activities (places, time, ..) taking place during the weekend in Normandie – see itinerary  below Grammar – conjugate in the past tense (passe compose) Listening comprehension Listen to the following conversation and report what he does   ______________________________ Submit answers or contact a French tutor for more … Read more

Expressing nuances with subjunctive, conditional and future (Levels B1 and +)

Use of subjunctive The subjunctive is used mostly with verbs or adverbs expressing desire, doubt, or eventuality; it may also express an order. It is almost always preceded by the conjunction que (that). Ex: Il faut que nous partions // Tu preferes qu’il vienne Note: it is possible to replace the conjugated subjunctive form with indicative … Read more

Connectors in French – Listening comprehension (Level A2 and +)

1) Review connectors in French – Expression cause, consequence, and objectives 2) Exercise: Select the right connectors in the following text Register to access the practice and receive feedback

French Grammar – Feminin ou Masculin (Level A)

SECTION 1 – noms Every noun in French has a gender – a chair (une chaise) is feminine, a bed (un lit) is masculine… So how do you know which gender is a noun? Easy steps 1) Use google translate. Make sure to use an article (a) before the noun. When you do that, the … Read more

French grammar review: Passé Composé tense (Level A – B)

Le Passe composé est un temps très utilisé à l’oral. Il est composé de l’auxiliaire être ou avoir au présent dans la 1ère partie; et du participe passé du verbe conjugué dans la seconde partie Exemple: J’ai terminé mes devoirs  — ‘ai’ = auxiliaire avoir / ‘terminé’ =  participe passé du verbe ‘Terminer’ Souvent c’est le verbe … Read more

French listening comprehension – “Les jeux videos: un sport?” (level B1 and +)

Listen the following audio and answer questions below Questions TRANSCRIPT

Les pronoms d’objet (All levels)

Les pronoms d’objet direct: le, la, les It is used to replace an element used as a direct object  in a sentence. It is agreed in gender and number with the noun Exemple: J’aime le cinema — > Est-ce que tu aime le cinema? Oui je l’aime Complétez les phrases en utilisant le, la, les, … Read more