French Vocabulary – 100 most used verbs in French

DOWNLOAD MORE VERBS HERE Orange Highlights: 3 core verbs ‘to be’, ‘to have’, ‘to do’ Green Highlights: être verbs (involving movement) Blue Highlights: modal verbs devoir, pouvoir, vouloir Yellow Highlights: most commonly used verbs   1. Être (to be) 2. Avoir (to have) 3. Faire (to do) 4. Dire (to say) 5. Pouvoir (to be … Read more

French vocabulary – Physical Appearance

DOWNLOAD VOCABULARY LIST FRENCH ENGLISH le visage face elle a le visage mince she has a thin face une tête ovale an oval face une tête ronde a round face glabre clean-shaven le visage bouffi a bloated face un visage chérubin a cherubic face un visage joufflu a chubby face des joues rebondies chubby-cheeked un … Read more

French Vocabulary: List of adjectives in French with audio

List of adjectives in French. Note: Few adjectives are different in masculin and feminin Listen to the pronunciation below English French Colors Couleurs  (masculin / feminin) or same for both Black Noir / Noire Blue Bleu / Bleue Brown Marron Gray Gris / Grise Green Vert / Verte Orange Orange Purple Pourpre Red Rouge White … Read more

French Vocabulary 1

1) Gender of nouns in French Nouns are ‘masculin’ if they are preceded by Le (the) or Un (a) Nouns are ‘feminin’ if they are preceded by La (the ) or Une (a) Both ‘masculin’ and ‘feminin’ nouns are plural if they are precedede by Les (the) or Des (some) Ex: Un livre (a book); … Read more

Pronoms possessifs (Level A)

Le pronom possessif replaces the noun preceded by a possessive adjectif  (mon, ton son…).  It varies according to the gender and number of the noun it replaces.. Examples : 1. Voilà ma soeur -> voilà la mienne Here is my sister -> here is mine –> ‘la mienne’ remplaces ‘ma soeur’  that is feminin 2. … Read more

French Grammar – TO DO / FAIRE

Faire = to do / to make Je fais — I do / I make Tu fais — You do / You make Il/Elle fait — He/She does // He/She makes Nous faisons — We do / We make Vous faites — You do / We make Ils/Elles font — They do / They make ——————— … Read more