French listening comprehension – ‘Retour au cinema’ (levels A 2 and +)

Listen to the following audio and find missing words from the text below [Open audio in a new window] Mon retour au cinéma, un _____ à la normale ? Ma séance avait lieu à _____ dans mon cinéma habituel, le MK2 Quai de Seine/Quai de Loire, à _____ sur le bassin de la Villette et … Read more

Start conversing in French – Daily activities, living in Paris (Levels A2 and +)

Activities to develop conversation skills in French   Activity 1: Read the following text and describe your daily activities   Activity 2: Listening comprehension – view following videos. Talk about the city you live in. Shopping a Paris Vivre a Paris   ______________________________ Submit answers or contact a French tutor for more information

Listening comprehension in French “Choisir un cadeau d’anniversaire” (Level A2 and +)

French Listening comprehension practice 1) Listen to the conversation and answer questions below   2) Questions 3) Transcript   ______________________________ Submit answers or contact a French tutor for more information

Connectors in French – Listening comprehension (Level A2 and +)

1) Review connectors in French – Expression cause, consequence, and objectives 2) Exercise: Select the right connectors in the following text Register to access the practice and receive feedback

French culture – Commemoration of November 11th (Levels A2 – advanced)

November 11th is the commemoration of the end of the 1st world war.  Several symbols are referring to the event. 1. Coquelicots et bleuets, fleurs symboles de la Grande Guerre Listen to words listed in green below Le coquelicot et le bleuet sont devenues les fleurs symboles de la guerre de 1914-1918 . Dans les … Read more